Membership & Funding
Membership supports the work of the Aphrodisias project. Members are entitled to a ticket to the annual Kenan Erim Memorial Lecture. There have been, so far, 30 lectures delivered by Professor R.R.R.Smith, Director of the Aphrodisias Excavations. These are held in March at a prominent venue in London; 2000 - 2011 at the British Museum, 2012 onwards at the nearby Art Worker's Guild in Queen Square.

Additional events, open to members, are organised annually. They have included visits to Oxford, Painshill, Petworth, Stowe, and Stourhead. We aim to have two such events each season.
If you are interested in joining the Friends, please fill out the membership form below.
The Funds of the Trust are derived from:
- membership subscriptions - currently £50 per annum - a minor but useful contribution
- donations (many members supplement the basic subscription, substantially increasing the value of their support)
- a number of members are principal benefactors, their donations providing a major proportion of the Trust's income
- Gift Aid on many of the donations also contributes
- fund raising events are an additional useful source
- grants from other Trusts and organisations, usually given to support particular projects.
Membership Form
After you fill out the form, we will contact you for membership procedures.
* Indicates required field.